Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Believe

Chapter 2

"Why did we agree that meeting in the main room at seven in the morning -on a Saturday- would be a good idea?" Otoya wined and I shook my head. "Good morning Toki" I turned to see Natsuki walked up to me, he smiled widely, completely awake. Syo walked up behind him and yawned. "Morning Tokiya" Said Syo plopping down on a sofa. "Nothing ‘good’ about it" I said.
"Oh yes I would have to agree with you on that" Ren mused sitting down in a chair. Masato stood behind him along with Cecil who rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Let’s put to vote to never do this again" Cecil said and everyone raised their hands in a yes. "Okay let’s get down to business.” Otoya said.
Everyone’s mood dropped. “Why did Shinning Saotome make his niece our composer when both Quartet Night and HEAVENS get her? What about what the committee's choice?" Syo finally said. I shook my head thinking. "I’m not sure why but maybe Shinning Saotome knew that it would be hard for Nanami to write all three songs and he sent for his niece to help her out." I said sitting down beside Syo. The others nodded. "It could be but, I’m not so sure." Said Ren thrumming his fingers against the side of the chair.
I heard the tapping of shoes and turned my head to see the door open on the other end of the room open. The others turned to it too. She walked in with a notebook and closed the door. When she saw us watching her she started walking over her long hair swaying behind her with each step. "Hello" she said her voice was light and she tucked her arms around the notebook she had. "Hello!" Said Natsuki. He jumped up and trotted over to her "hello Natsuki" he paused, surprised.
All of us were surprised. "How do you know his name?" Syo asked. Her gaze landed on him and she raised her chin. "My secret" she said. We must’ve looked very confused because she sighed and spoke.
"Natsuki Shinomiya......
Tokiya Ichinose........
Cecil Aijima.........
Ren Jinguji.......
Otoya Ittoki....
Shou Kurusu......
And Masato Hijirikawa.......
"All members of the idol group known as STARISH. Each of the letters in your band name are from the first letter in either your first or last name. Shinomiya, Tokiya, Aijima, Ren, Ittoki, Shou, and Hijirikawa" She said looking at each of us in turn, "You're famous do you really expect anyone not to know your names?"
Masato was the first one to speak. “Why is your uncle making you write our SSS Contest song instead of Nanami?” He asked. She shrugged, “my uncle likes to play around and work on theories, but I think you know that already” She said and we nodded. “Don’t worry Nanami will be credited and after the contest I’ll be long gone” She said.
“But until then I need to know how your voices work and your limitations.”
She opened her notebook and produced seven un-sharpened pencils. She gave each of us one. When she went to give Ren one he brandished the stupid rose he fancies. She rolled her eyes and stepped away. "I want you to sing with the pencil in your mouth. Start at the thirteenth verse of maji love revolutions and try and sing with the pencils in your mouths.” She said. It seemed foolish and we gave each other looks.
We sighed and tried but it involved lots of spitting and mumbling through our mouths. She watched us her gaze floating over us not saying anything to aid us. Finally, Otoya ripped the pencil out of his mouth. "This is impossible we are limiting our mouths and it’s impossible to sing that way!" He shouted unhappy. I glanced at her and she set her notebook on the coffee table. She calmly grabbed the extra pencil and placed it in her mouth. And began singing, her voice flittering around us strong and even.
Once she had finished she took the pencil out of her mouth. Her voice had been perfect it had sounded normal. She walked up to Otoya and pointed the pencil at him. "Never, ever say that something is impossible or you make it so." She said pressing her pencil into Otoya's hand and turned away
She walked back over to the door she had entered on and opened the door she halted and turned back to the group. Her eyes settling on me. "Until you can believe in yourselves in anything you wish to do, you cant win anything and I wont waste my time with writing you a song. Fight for what you want and never stop until you have won. And if you don't then you shouldn't be in this contest" She left and slammed the door shut. I thought to myself. "So that’s Inori Saotome?"

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