Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Goodbye

Chapter 1
''So are we going to be helping some other idols with music assignments?'' My brother asked as he and I walked through the halls of Saotome Academy. I nodded, slightly irritated with the question that Rowan had asked me five times already. “Why? Why does uncle want us to help them, who are they?” Rowan asked.
I sighed and looked at him. ''Okay let me explain again our uncle is the director of Shinning Saotome academy so he invited us to work with other idols our age. He says that these Idols need to train more, learn more and he thought we should help train them" Rowan nodded and continued to walk beside me.
Rowan was a musical genius, he also was very energetic and loved to make friends. Which was weird since we're fraternal twins, but I'm the complete opposite of Rowan. He is great at making friends but I couldn't make friends even with a goldfish,  Rowan also was a head taller than me which I envied. "I hope their all friendly.” Rowan said a worried look on his face, I turned and looked at him and smiled at Rowan "I'm sure they will be." I assured him
Rowan and I sat at the grand piano, my fingers danced across the black and white keys and Rowan’s voice twirled around the music that lifted from the piano below my hands. I focused completely on the notes below my fingers, on the ring of the keys and the pounding of them -that matched the beat of my heart- as they hit the piano. As the music swirled around my ears I heard Rowan’s voice fade out and I slowed my playing to a faint sound.
I lifted my head from the keys and slowed my fingers to a halt. “Rowan? What is it?” I asked him. Rowan stared at something behind me. I turned on the piano bench and looked behind me. To my surprise there stood my annoying Uncle-Shinning Saotome- and a group of people. As I studied them, I felt a tug on my memory, I knew who these people were. They were the up and coming idol group, STARISH. I looked to the left of them and saw a girl standing beside them. That must be their composer, Nanami Haruka.
I stood from the piano and Rowan stepped to my side. He and I walked over to the group. "Hello uncle I see you are still as flashy as you were five years ago." I said once I stood beside my uncle. "UNCLE?!" The group said gasping. I turned and looked at them, they all looked astonished. "Yes, Shinning Saotome is my uncle." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
I turned back to my uncle. "I see your music playing skills have not suffered from traveling" He said his sun glasses glinting. "And I see your complements still need work" I said smiling slightly. He laughed and hugged me tightly.
He let me go and I took a deep breath and went right down to business. "Okay so what are we doing here you email wasn't very specific about who we will be working with." I asked. My uncle laughed once again and said. “Ah, all valuable questions. Here is my plan” He said. “You and your brother will use your talents to teach them” He motioned to the boys. “How to perform better, write them a song, and help them rise to the top. And win in the SSS opening artist selection contest” I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. "But the composer was already chosen by the head of the committee so why do they need us?" I asked him.
"Because Miss Haruka will be working with another idol group for contest and I trust that you have plenty of talent to take her place temporarily." He said. The boys started to protest. “No! You can’t do that!” “Nanami is our composer!” I stared at my uncle. “Uncle, why us?” Rowan asked and our uncle smiled. “Because your skills are wide and you have experience in performing in the SSS Contest.” I clenched my fists. “Well, Inori you have skills that they can learn from” He said.
I opened my mouth to ask what he meant when he stepped up to Rowan and slung an arm over my brother’s shoulder. “The academy for the performing arts in Toronto, Canada has excepted your application” Rowan blinked and I frowned. “What?” I asked, Rowan looked at me. “They want you in New York, USA by tomorrow and I have a jet waiting for you that’ll take you to the academy” My uncle continued and I stared flabbergasted at my brother.
“What does he mean, what is he talking about?” I asked, Rowan looked at me his eyes shone with guilt. “Remember when I was conflicted about what school to send my application to? You told me to follow my dream, but also to have a backup plan” He said shifting awkwardly. “Well I really wanted to attend the school of performing arts, so I sent them my application” I took a step back shaking my head.
“I’m sorry Nori, I didn’t think I would get accepted in!” He said stepping towards me. I hissed and yanked my hand away as he reached for it and called me by his nickname for me. “No” I said shaking my head, aware that we weren't alone. Rowan’s face fell, “Fine, why should I care? Go ahead and leave and head to Canada!” I turned and stormed to the door, the boys parted to let me pass.
I turned right before walking through the doorway and glared at my brother. “Oh and Rowan?" Rowan looked up and his eyes shone hopeful. I clenched my jaw. "I know you will be busy but don't forget about your poor sister” I let venom drip from my words then walked off. As I walked down the hall I could feel my uncle's, my brother's, and the boy’s gaze on me but I didn't care.
I had every right to be angry, right?
That question haunted me the rest of the day -as I hid in the music room, playing my violin- and into the night.

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