Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Effort

Chapter 4

I watched Inori walk off with her friends and I thought to myself. "She just helped Nanami maybe I was to rash about her." I thought to myself as I walked up to Nanami, we had agreed to meet today and hangout. Nanami looked up at me as I walked up to her. “Otoya hello” She said.
 “Are you okay did Eiichi hurt you?" I asked, glancing in the direction he had walked off. "No I am fine thanks to Inori Saotome.” She said. “Otoya she is really nice!" Nanami said smiling. I smiled back and held out my hand. “Wanna go look at music?” I asked and she nodded. We turned and walked to our favorite music store.
When we arrived we looked through the multiple aisles. I heard quite chattering then someone shouted. "IT'S THE NEW EDITION!" Nanami and I walked around into the other aisle and to my surprise saw Inori and her friends. One of then was holding a cd and looking very pleased with herself.
"Otoya" Inori said turning to the shelf. I clenched my fists and started to turn around but Nanami spoke. "O-oh Inori t-thank you for earlier." She bowed to Inori and Inori turned back to her.  She smiled and I was taken back. "Your welcome Nanami." Nanami smiled brightly and Inori smiled back.
Inori introduced us to her friends and then we said our goodbyes. Nanami had to leave early because Shinning Saotome wanted to talk to her about something. So we also said goodbye. I walked back to master course and walked into my dorm and saw Tokiya reading in his desk chair.

I walked over to my bed and layed down. I sighed deeply thinking about what to do about the whole 'singing with a pencil' thing. I sat up and turned in Tokiya's direction and spoke "I met with Nanami today at Armada plaza." Tokiya looked up from his book. "Eiichi was there." I said tracing a red thread in my blankets. When the name Eiichi left my mouth Tokiya's eyes narrowed, I continued. "He was acting like his normal self but when I was about to help Nanami, Inori Saotome showed up and frightened him off." Tokiya watched me in interest.

"I don't know what she said but whatever it was it shut him up rather quickly" Tokiya went back to his book. "You know how she said that nothing is impossible but saying it is makes it so?" I asked Tokiya. He nodded and stood stretching out his arms and sat down on his bed.
"Yes and that she wasn't going to help us anymore if we could learn to believe in ourselves." Tokiya said and I nodded. "Yeah." Tokiya looked at me. "So I want to give this pencil singing another chance because if Inori can do it then so can we." I said clenching my fists.

Over the next four hours we practiced. I called the others over and we all practiced singing with the pencils in our mouth after about the thirtieth try we finally sounded relatively normal compared to our normal voices.
"Okay looks like we've got this." I said and the others nodded. "I think that it’s time to show her" I said and everyone agreed. I asked a student take a note to Inori's dorm

Dear Inori,
We would like to show you something in the music room will you please meet us there at two thirty today thank you- Otoya Ittoki
We sat down and waited.

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