Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Friends?

Chapter 6
"I wonder were Inori is?" Asked Syo and I turned to him and spoke. "Don't worry Syo-Chan I am sure that Inori is on her way." Syo sighed. We were waiting in the music room for Inori to show up. I glanced up at the clock: 2:46 "Maybe she decided not to come” Tokiya said. I looked at him, “no she wouldn’t do that” I said. “Maybe,” Syo said. “Maybe something happened?” I said.
Tokiya looked up and Ren glanced at him. “We should check on her something could’ve happened." Tokiya said looking at the door. I stood and looked at the others. "Natsuki what are doing?" Cecil asked me. "I am going to find Inori." I said and Ren stood.  "I shall join you we can't abandon the little sparrow." Ren walked up and stood by me. Masato sighed and stood.
The others followed. We walked outside and looked around the court yard. Masato pointed and we looked ahead. There was Inori but she wasn't alone. Heavens stood around her with smirking faces. Tokiya hissed and we walked closer.
As we neared them I overheard Kira say. "We wont lose to STARISH or Quartet Night" Inori stepped closer to him with a scary look on her face. "We wont lose to you either, we will win the SSS Selection Contest." I watched Inori and Kira stare each other down. Kira turned away and walked back to the other members of Heavens.
Inori watched them. "Are you willing and ready for the fight of your lives?" Inori asked her gaze landing on each of them in turn. Nagi smiled and nodded, the others followed suit.
Inori watched him. "Good because we will all fight for the win." Inori said, smiling softly.
Heavens looked at her and they all smiled, "So will we!" They said and Inori smirked a challenge rising in her eyes.
Nagi turned in our direction and waved. "You all better train hard because we're gonna train five times harder!" He called out. I smiled and waved. Heavens left and Inori walked up to us. "Are you all ready to fight for what you want?" She asked us. "Because our competition is, so we must fiht harder." All of us smiled and nodded. Otoya spoke stepping forward. "We will fight for our dreams and win the SSS Selection Contest!"
We walked inside with Inori and showed her our progress with the pencils in our mouths, she showed us how to hold it and how to take in longer breaths between words. After we had finished Inori walked us through the plans and tips she and her brother used to win in the SSS Contest a few years back.

I noticed Inori get sad whenever she mentioned her brother, now that he was gone it would be hard for her to adjust. I caught Tokiya watching her as she described the experience and journey they went through to win the SSS Selection Contest and saw the questions in his eyes.

As we were talking I heard a tweet from a bird. "Oh hey little guy I forgot about you" said Inori pulling something from her jacket. It was a baby bird! I ran up to her and she turned to me. "I think he fell out of his nest so his mother left him." She a worried look on her face. "I think his wing might be broken to." The others came closer and saw the baby bird. I helped Inori calm him down and we check out his wing. "He is going to be alright just tired." Said Masato gingerly giving the baby bird back to Inori after wrapping a small bandage around the bird's wing.
Inori sighed in relief. "Well then what shall we call you?" She turned to us for an idea. "Um what about Kou?" Asked Otoya and Inori nodded. "Kou that's a perfect name" She said. The little bird tweeted and Inori smiled.

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