Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Competition

Chapter 5

There was a knock on my dorm door and I sighed. I was sitting at my office desk working on a song. The song had been forever in my mind but I just couldn't find a tune to put it with. That had always been Rowan's specialty but now he was gone. I stood and opened my door. There was no one there. I looked down and saw a white piece of paper. I picked it up and saw message on it. I walked back into my dorm and closed the door.
Dear Inori,
We would like to show you something in the music room will you please meet us there at two thirty today thank you- Otoya Ittoki
I re-read the note and tossed it on my bed. I sat back down at my office desk. I rolled the pencil between my fingers thinking to myself. "What do they want?" I asked myself. I looked out the window and watched some students walk by laughing. I thought about what my uncle had said. What he wanted from me.
I gazed at my clock 2:19. “Fine” I said to myself and stood. I flipped off the desk light-the only light on in my dorm- and walked over to the door, grabbing my hoodie and walking outside I made my way to the music room.
As I walled the spring wind whipped my hair around. I breathed deeply the spring air was fresh and the sun shone brightly. I heard a tweet of a bird and looked down. There laying in the shade of a tree was a baby bird that looked about a week old.  I crouched down and watched it tweet and call for its mother but the mother wasn't in sight. "Hey little guy did you fall out of your nest?" The little bird turned its head up at me and tweeted. He tried to flap his fluffy wings but one of them was in an odd angle.
I smiled and held my finger out to the baby bird. The bird pecked my finger with its beak and tweeted I gingerly picked up the baby bird and held him close to my chest. "Do you want to come with me?" The little bird snuggled his head against my chest. I turned around and walked a few steps but then the little bird screeched loudly. "What’s wrong little guy,” I asked looking down at him. My eyes landed upon his crooked wing. I ran and finger over his wing and he began to thrash, I settled him down and a shadow fell over me.
"Hello Miss, Inori" I lifted my head and to my surprise saw Nagi Mikodo. I blinked and turned around and saw.
Yamato Hinata...
Shion Amakusa...
Van Kiryuuin....
Eiji Otoori....
Nagi Mikado...
And Kira Sumeragi...
My eyes narrowed "I told Eiichi that if he-" Yamato interrupted me. "He isn't here." He said crossing his arms. I clenched my jaw and the little bird dug himself into my jacket. "What do you want then?" I asked and they all stepped closer closing in on their circle around me.
"What we wanted to see Shinning's Niece" Asked Van leaning even closer than then the others. "We wanted to meet you" Shion said and I glared at Van, who just smirked at me. Kira stepped closer with a serious look on his face. "We wont loose to STARISH or Quartet Night" he stepped up closer to me so we were almost eye to eye. I spoke with deadly calm. "We wont lose to you either, we will win the SSS Selection Contest." I said and Kira narrowed his eyes.

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