Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hey Guys

Hey Guys, so at first I wasn't going to be doing anything but posting my stories on this blog and leaving it at that, well as you can see I've changed my mind. Right now all that I have been posting have been chapters to my fanfiction Music's Aphrodite and I have recently stopped posting them and have been posting and un-posting them with no reason. So sorry about that, the reason behind me posting and un-posting the chapters was that I was changing the way they were formatted and I then added new things into them and then took some old thing out and THEN I decided to rename some of them. I had them like that for a while then I decided that I would take them down and leave them in draft forms so I could just post about the things I was gushing about in my life since no one seemed to care or really read the chapters I posted anyway. That's when I decided that I should put them back up and let you guys keep reading them and if you didn't well that would be fine with me. And now I've decided to post stuff about my passions and my hobbies and keep posting chapters about my fanfiction.

Okay, whew sorry that was a lot of random information and now I get to tell you guys the fun stuff! A few things 1. I wanted to know if you guys liked this story enough and you guys liked my writing enough that you guys would be interested in me posting chapters to other fanfictions I'm writing? If you guys want that comment below and let me know.
2. I understand fanfictions can be confusing if you don't know about the animes behind them so let me enlighten you. Music's Aphrodite is based off the popular anime Uta No Prince Sama an anime produced by A1-Pictures with three seasons currently out and the fourth one running right now. The events that happen in Music's Aphrodite are based off the events that happen in the beginning of season 4 of this anime and all the canon characters are used throughout my story.
3. I have plans to write a second book to this fanfiction and if you guys want I will unload the chapters here so you can read them.

That's all I had to say and I hope it was helpful to you guys and I hope you continue to enjoy my story I will try to upload chapter 7 soon so you guys can read it.

Thank you all and continue to fly free
~With love

Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Friends?

Chapter 6
"I wonder were Inori is?" Asked Syo and I turned to him and spoke. "Don't worry Syo-Chan I am sure that Inori is on her way." Syo sighed. We were waiting in the music room for Inori to show up. I glanced up at the clock: 2:46 "Maybe she decided not to come” Tokiya said. I looked at him, “no she wouldn’t do that” I said. “Maybe,” Syo said. “Maybe something happened?” I said.
Tokiya looked up and Ren glanced at him. “We should check on her something could’ve happened." Tokiya said looking at the door. I stood and looked at the others. "Natsuki what are doing?" Cecil asked me. "I am going to find Inori." I said and Ren stood.  "I shall join you we can't abandon the little sparrow." Ren walked up and stood by me. Masato sighed and stood.
The others followed. We walked outside and looked around the court yard. Masato pointed and we looked ahead. There was Inori but she wasn't alone. Heavens stood around her with smirking faces. Tokiya hissed and we walked closer.
As we neared them I overheard Kira say. "We wont lose to STARISH or Quartet Night" Inori stepped closer to him with a scary look on her face. "We wont lose to you either, we will win the SSS Selection Contest." I watched Inori and Kira stare each other down. Kira turned away and walked back to the other members of Heavens.
Inori watched them. "Are you willing and ready for the fight of your lives?" Inori asked her gaze landing on each of them in turn. Nagi smiled and nodded, the others followed suit.
Inori watched him. "Good because we will all fight for the win." Inori said, smiling softly.
Heavens looked at her and they all smiled, "So will we!" They said and Inori smirked a challenge rising in her eyes.
Nagi turned in our direction and waved. "You all better train hard because we're gonna train five times harder!" He called out. I smiled and waved. Heavens left and Inori walked up to us. "Are you all ready to fight for what you want?" She asked us. "Because our competition is, so we must fiht harder." All of us smiled and nodded. Otoya spoke stepping forward. "We will fight for our dreams and win the SSS Selection Contest!"
We walked inside with Inori and showed her our progress with the pencils in our mouths, she showed us how to hold it and how to take in longer breaths between words. After we had finished Inori walked us through the plans and tips she and her brother used to win in the SSS Contest a few years back.

I noticed Inori get sad whenever she mentioned her brother, now that he was gone it would be hard for her to adjust. I caught Tokiya watching her as she described the experience and journey they went through to win the SSS Selection Contest and saw the questions in his eyes.

As we were talking I heard a tweet from a bird. "Oh hey little guy I forgot about you" said Inori pulling something from her jacket. It was a baby bird! I ran up to her and she turned to me. "I think he fell out of his nest so his mother left him." She a worried look on her face. "I think his wing might be broken to." The others came closer and saw the baby bird. I helped Inori calm him down and we check out his wing. "He is going to be alright just tired." Said Masato gingerly giving the baby bird back to Inori after wrapping a small bandage around the bird's wing.
Inori sighed in relief. "Well then what shall we call you?" She turned to us for an idea. "Um what about Kou?" Asked Otoya and Inori nodded. "Kou that's a perfect name" She said. The little bird tweeted and Inori smiled.

Music's Aphrodite- Competition

Chapter 5

There was a knock on my dorm door and I sighed. I was sitting at my office desk working on a song. The song had been forever in my mind but I just couldn't find a tune to put it with. That had always been Rowan's specialty but now he was gone. I stood and opened my door. There was no one there. I looked down and saw a white piece of paper. I picked it up and saw message on it. I walked back into my dorm and closed the door.
Dear Inori,
We would like to show you something in the music room will you please meet us there at two thirty today thank you- Otoya Ittoki
I re-read the note and tossed it on my bed. I sat back down at my office desk. I rolled the pencil between my fingers thinking to myself. "What do they want?" I asked myself. I looked out the window and watched some students walk by laughing. I thought about what my uncle had said. What he wanted from me.
I gazed at my clock 2:19. “Fine” I said to myself and stood. I flipped off the desk light-the only light on in my dorm- and walked over to the door, grabbing my hoodie and walking outside I made my way to the music room.
As I walled the spring wind whipped my hair around. I breathed deeply the spring air was fresh and the sun shone brightly. I heard a tweet of a bird and looked down. There laying in the shade of a tree was a baby bird that looked about a week old.  I crouched down and watched it tweet and call for its mother but the mother wasn't in sight. "Hey little guy did you fall out of your nest?" The little bird turned its head up at me and tweeted. He tried to flap his fluffy wings but one of them was in an odd angle.
I smiled and held my finger out to the baby bird. The bird pecked my finger with its beak and tweeted I gingerly picked up the baby bird and held him close to my chest. "Do you want to come with me?" The little bird snuggled his head against my chest. I turned around and walked a few steps but then the little bird screeched loudly. "What’s wrong little guy,” I asked looking down at him. My eyes landed upon his crooked wing. I ran and finger over his wing and he began to thrash, I settled him down and a shadow fell over me.
"Hello Miss, Inori" I lifted my head and to my surprise saw Nagi Mikodo. I blinked and turned around and saw.
Yamato Hinata...
Shion Amakusa...
Van Kiryuuin....
Eiji Otoori....
Nagi Mikado...
And Kira Sumeragi...
My eyes narrowed "I told Eiichi that if he-" Yamato interrupted me. "He isn't here." He said crossing his arms. I clenched my jaw and the little bird dug himself into my jacket. "What do you want then?" I asked and they all stepped closer closing in on their circle around me.
"What we wanted to see Shinning's Niece" Asked Van leaning even closer than then the others. "We wanted to meet you" Shion said and I glared at Van, who just smirked at me. Kira stepped closer with a serious look on his face. "We wont loose to STARISH or Quartet Night" he stepped up closer to me so we were almost eye to eye. I spoke with deadly calm. "We wont lose to you either, we will win the SSS Selection Contest." I said and Kira narrowed his eyes.

Music's Aphrodite- Effort

Chapter 4

I watched Inori walk off with her friends and I thought to myself. "She just helped Nanami maybe I was to rash about her." I thought to myself as I walked up to Nanami, we had agreed to meet today and hangout. Nanami looked up at me as I walked up to her. “Otoya hello” She said.
 “Are you okay did Eiichi hurt you?" I asked, glancing in the direction he had walked off. "No I am fine thanks to Inori Saotome.” She said. “Otoya she is really nice!" Nanami said smiling. I smiled back and held out my hand. “Wanna go look at music?” I asked and she nodded. We turned and walked to our favorite music store.
When we arrived we looked through the multiple aisles. I heard quite chattering then someone shouted. "IT'S THE NEW EDITION!" Nanami and I walked around into the other aisle and to my surprise saw Inori and her friends. One of then was holding a cd and looking very pleased with herself.
"Otoya" Inori said turning to the shelf. I clenched my fists and started to turn around but Nanami spoke. "O-oh Inori t-thank you for earlier." She bowed to Inori and Inori turned back to her.  She smiled and I was taken back. "Your welcome Nanami." Nanami smiled brightly and Inori smiled back.
Inori introduced us to her friends and then we said our goodbyes. Nanami had to leave early because Shinning Saotome wanted to talk to her about something. So we also said goodbye. I walked back to master course and walked into my dorm and saw Tokiya reading in his desk chair.

I walked over to my bed and layed down. I sighed deeply thinking about what to do about the whole 'singing with a pencil' thing. I sat up and turned in Tokiya's direction and spoke "I met with Nanami today at Armada plaza." Tokiya looked up from his book. "Eiichi was there." I said tracing a red thread in my blankets. When the name Eiichi left my mouth Tokiya's eyes narrowed, I continued. "He was acting like his normal self but when I was about to help Nanami, Inori Saotome showed up and frightened him off." Tokiya watched me in interest.

"I don't know what she said but whatever it was it shut him up rather quickly" Tokiya went back to his book. "You know how she said that nothing is impossible but saying it is makes it so?" I asked Tokiya. He nodded and stood stretching out his arms and sat down on his bed.
"Yes and that she wasn't going to help us anymore if we could learn to believe in ourselves." Tokiya said and I nodded. "Yeah." Tokiya looked at me. "So I want to give this pencil singing another chance because if Inori can do it then so can we." I said clenching my fists.

Over the next four hours we practiced. I called the others over and we all practiced singing with the pencils in our mouth after about the thirtieth try we finally sounded relatively normal compared to our normal voices.
"Okay looks like we've got this." I said and the others nodded. "I think that it’s time to show her" I said and everyone agreed. I asked a student take a note to Inori's dorm

Dear Inori,
We would like to show you something in the music room will you please meet us there at two thirty today thank you- Otoya Ittoki
We sat down and waited.

Music's Aphrodite- Warning

Chapter 3

"RI....Inori...INORI!" Someone shouted at me. "Huh what?" I asked snapping to attention. I looked at my friends Akane, Yejin, and Yumi. We were at the Armada plaza eating at a cafe. "Jeez Inori you slipped away again" said Yejin huffing impatiently. "Yeah Yejin is right we had to beg you to come out here with us" said Akane sighing. Yumi nodded. "Sorry guys so what were you saying Yumi?" I said looking at Yumi again. She smiled and spoke. "I was saying that a friend of mind is hosting a gala at her house and she said that I can invite my friends." Yumi said. Akane and Yejin leaned closer to Yumi and listened. "And she said that you guys can also invite your friends" Akane smiled brightly and grabbed my hand tightly. "Oh Inori you have to come it with us it will be amazing!" She said shaking with excitement.
"I don't do well at parties" I said pulling my hand away from Akane's excited grip. "Bull," Yejin said lacing her hands together. "You do plenty fine and you will go with us to the gala or we will come kidnap you and then take you.” She said and the others nodded. I laughed softly and put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay I give in." I said giving into their demands.
Our waiter came with our deserts and refilled our drinks. "I call for a toast" Yumi said raising her drink. We all followed her motion.  “What are we going to toast" asked Akane. "Um how about friendship?" Yejin supplied and we all nodded. "To friendship!" we said together hitting our drinks together in the process.
I took a sip of my drink and happen to see something going on in the corner of my eye. I turned and to my surprise saw Nanami Haruka standing with someone who made me grit my teeth? I stood abruptly and walked closer to where Nanami was standing. When I was about ten feet away I was certain of the person with Nanami. It was Eiichi Otoori the leader of the idol group Heavens.
I was close enough to hear their conversation. "Oh I heard about your replacement such a shame, it seems that Shinning doesn't have the confidence that you can write all of our songs, but since you're not having to focus on those amateurs anymore how about you come with me and we can focus on writing our song and leave Quartet Night to fend for themselves?" He laid a hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"No I am writing songs for both Quartet Night and Heavens" Nanami protested. Eiichi smiled evilly and gripped Nanami's shoulder tightly. She pulled against him and I stepped forward and spoke, my expression, a blanket of nothing. "Leave her alone" both of them turned to me and Nanami's face lit in recognition.
"Miss Saotome what are you doing here?" She asked but I didn't answer I focused on Eiichi. "Saotome eh? You must be the new replacement.” He said his gaze traveling up and down my form. "Leave Nanami alone" was all I said and he laughed and smiled maliciously. "What are you going to do about it?" I placed a hand on his which was on Nanami’s shoulder. I layed my hand down and with still keeping a straight face gripped his hand.
He made no sound but a muscle in his jaw clenched and pain flickered in his eyes. His hand slackened and I released it from my grasp. "I suggest you leave." I said letting my hand fall to my side. He leaned in so close that I could see the dust on his glasses and spoke his voice barley above a whisper.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Then it was my turn to speak. "Well you see my father is the man that controls the SSS Contest committee." I leaned in even closer to him and spoke my voice a deadly calm.
"If I ever catch you or hear about you messing with Miss. Nanami or anyone other idol or composer I will see to it personally that my father informs them that Heavens tried to convince their composer to cheat and write only for them. And I don't think the committee will like that to much and I think its safe to say that your team will be disqualified" I spun around and walked off a couple steps and then spun back around. My ponytail twirling with me.
"Oh and your glasses are dirty you should get them cleaned by the way." I walked over to my waiting friends and sat back down at our table. I heard footsteps retreating and Yumi spoke. “he’s gone” she said. I nodded and stood once again. My friends stood, “Let’s go I’m dying for some new music to listen to." I said. Yejin slapped some money on the table and we walked off.

Music's Aphrodite- Believe

Chapter 2

"Why did we agree that meeting in the main room at seven in the morning -on a Saturday- would be a good idea?" Otoya wined and I shook my head. "Good morning Toki" I turned to see Natsuki walked up to me, he smiled widely, completely awake. Syo walked up behind him and yawned. "Morning Tokiya" Said Syo plopping down on a sofa. "Nothing ‘good’ about it" I said.
"Oh yes I would have to agree with you on that" Ren mused sitting down in a chair. Masato stood behind him along with Cecil who rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Let’s put to vote to never do this again" Cecil said and everyone raised their hands in a yes. "Okay let’s get down to business.” Otoya said.
Everyone’s mood dropped. “Why did Shinning Saotome make his niece our composer when both Quartet Night and HEAVENS get her? What about what the committee's choice?" Syo finally said. I shook my head thinking. "I’m not sure why but maybe Shinning Saotome knew that it would be hard for Nanami to write all three songs and he sent for his niece to help her out." I said sitting down beside Syo. The others nodded. "It could be but, I’m not so sure." Said Ren thrumming his fingers against the side of the chair.
I heard the tapping of shoes and turned my head to see the door open on the other end of the room open. The others turned to it too. She walked in with a notebook and closed the door. When she saw us watching her she started walking over her long hair swaying behind her with each step. "Hello" she said her voice was light and she tucked her arms around the notebook she had. "Hello!" Said Natsuki. He jumped up and trotted over to her "hello Natsuki" he paused, surprised.
All of us were surprised. "How do you know his name?" Syo asked. Her gaze landed on him and she raised her chin. "My secret" she said. We must’ve looked very confused because she sighed and spoke.
"Natsuki Shinomiya......
Tokiya Ichinose........
Cecil Aijima.........
Ren Jinguji.......
Otoya Ittoki....
Shou Kurusu......
And Masato Hijirikawa.......
"All members of the idol group known as STARISH. Each of the letters in your band name are from the first letter in either your first or last name. Shinomiya, Tokiya, Aijima, Ren, Ittoki, Shou, and Hijirikawa" She said looking at each of us in turn, "You're famous do you really expect anyone not to know your names?"
Masato was the first one to speak. “Why is your uncle making you write our SSS Contest song instead of Nanami?” He asked. She shrugged, “my uncle likes to play around and work on theories, but I think you know that already” She said and we nodded. “Don’t worry Nanami will be credited and after the contest I’ll be long gone” She said.
“But until then I need to know how your voices work and your limitations.”
She opened her notebook and produced seven un-sharpened pencils. She gave each of us one. When she went to give Ren one he brandished the stupid rose he fancies. She rolled her eyes and stepped away. "I want you to sing with the pencil in your mouth. Start at the thirteenth verse of maji love revolutions and try and sing with the pencils in your mouths.” She said. It seemed foolish and we gave each other looks.
We sighed and tried but it involved lots of spitting and mumbling through our mouths. She watched us her gaze floating over us not saying anything to aid us. Finally, Otoya ripped the pencil out of his mouth. "This is impossible we are limiting our mouths and it’s impossible to sing that way!" He shouted unhappy. I glanced at her and she set her notebook on the coffee table. She calmly grabbed the extra pencil and placed it in her mouth. And began singing, her voice flittering around us strong and even.
Once she had finished she took the pencil out of her mouth. Her voice had been perfect it had sounded normal. She walked up to Otoya and pointed the pencil at him. "Never, ever say that something is impossible or you make it so." She said pressing her pencil into Otoya's hand and turned away
She walked back over to the door she had entered on and opened the door she halted and turned back to the group. Her eyes settling on me. "Until you can believe in yourselves in anything you wish to do, you cant win anything and I wont waste my time with writing you a song. Fight for what you want and never stop until you have won. And if you don't then you shouldn't be in this contest" She left and slammed the door shut. I thought to myself. "So that’s Inori Saotome?"

Music's Aphrodite- Goodbye

Chapter 1
''So are we going to be helping some other idols with music assignments?'' My brother asked as he and I walked through the halls of Saotome Academy. I nodded, slightly irritated with the question that Rowan had asked me five times already. “Why? Why does uncle want us to help them, who are they?” Rowan asked.
I sighed and looked at him. ''Okay let me explain again our uncle is the director of Shinning Saotome academy so he invited us to work with other idols our age. He says that these Idols need to train more, learn more and he thought we should help train them" Rowan nodded and continued to walk beside me.
Rowan was a musical genius, he also was very energetic and loved to make friends. Which was weird since we're fraternal twins, but I'm the complete opposite of Rowan. He is great at making friends but I couldn't make friends even with a goldfish,  Rowan also was a head taller than me which I envied. "I hope their all friendly.” Rowan said a worried look on his face, I turned and looked at him and smiled at Rowan "I'm sure they will be." I assured him
Rowan and I sat at the grand piano, my fingers danced across the black and white keys and Rowan’s voice twirled around the music that lifted from the piano below my hands. I focused completely on the notes below my fingers, on the ring of the keys and the pounding of them -that matched the beat of my heart- as they hit the piano. As the music swirled around my ears I heard Rowan’s voice fade out and I slowed my playing to a faint sound.
I lifted my head from the keys and slowed my fingers to a halt. “Rowan? What is it?” I asked him. Rowan stared at something behind me. I turned on the piano bench and looked behind me. To my surprise there stood my annoying Uncle-Shinning Saotome- and a group of people. As I studied them, I felt a tug on my memory, I knew who these people were. They were the up and coming idol group, STARISH. I looked to the left of them and saw a girl standing beside them. That must be their composer, Nanami Haruka.
I stood from the piano and Rowan stepped to my side. He and I walked over to the group. "Hello uncle I see you are still as flashy as you were five years ago." I said once I stood beside my uncle. "UNCLE?!" The group said gasping. I turned and looked at them, they all looked astonished. "Yes, Shinning Saotome is my uncle." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
I turned back to my uncle. "I see your music playing skills have not suffered from traveling" He said his sun glasses glinting. "And I see your complements still need work" I said smiling slightly. He laughed and hugged me tightly.
He let me go and I took a deep breath and went right down to business. "Okay so what are we doing here you email wasn't very specific about who we will be working with." I asked. My uncle laughed once again and said. “Ah, all valuable questions. Here is my plan” He said. “You and your brother will use your talents to teach them” He motioned to the boys. “How to perform better, write them a song, and help them rise to the top. And win in the SSS opening artist selection contest” I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. "But the composer was already chosen by the head of the committee so why do they need us?" I asked him.
"Because Miss Haruka will be working with another idol group for contest and I trust that you have plenty of talent to take her place temporarily." He said. The boys started to protest. “No! You can’t do that!” “Nanami is our composer!” I stared at my uncle. “Uncle, why us?” Rowan asked and our uncle smiled. “Because your skills are wide and you have experience in performing in the SSS Contest.” I clenched my fists. “Well, Inori you have skills that they can learn from” He said.
I opened my mouth to ask what he meant when he stepped up to Rowan and slung an arm over my brother’s shoulder. “The academy for the performing arts in Toronto, Canada has excepted your application” Rowan blinked and I frowned. “What?” I asked, Rowan looked at me. “They want you in New York, USA by tomorrow and I have a jet waiting for you that’ll take you to the academy” My uncle continued and I stared flabbergasted at my brother.
“What does he mean, what is he talking about?” I asked, Rowan looked at me his eyes shone with guilt. “Remember when I was conflicted about what school to send my application to? You told me to follow my dream, but also to have a backup plan” He said shifting awkwardly. “Well I really wanted to attend the school of performing arts, so I sent them my application” I took a step back shaking my head.
“I’m sorry Nori, I didn’t think I would get accepted in!” He said stepping towards me. I hissed and yanked my hand away as he reached for it and called me by his nickname for me. “No” I said shaking my head, aware that we weren't alone. Rowan’s face fell, “Fine, why should I care? Go ahead and leave and head to Canada!” I turned and stormed to the door, the boys parted to let me pass.
I turned right before walking through the doorway and glared at my brother. “Oh and Rowan?" Rowan looked up and his eyes shone hopeful. I clenched my jaw. "I know you will be busy but don't forget about your poor sister” I let venom drip from my words then walked off. As I walked down the hall I could feel my uncle's, my brother's, and the boy’s gaze on me but I didn't care.
I had every right to be angry, right?
That question haunted me the rest of the day -as I hid in the music room, playing my violin- and into the night.