Friday, September 16, 2016

Music's Aphrodite- Warning

Chapter 3

"RI....Inori...INORI!" Someone shouted at me. "Huh what?" I asked snapping to attention. I looked at my friends Akane, Yejin, and Yumi. We were at the Armada plaza eating at a cafe. "Jeez Inori you slipped away again" said Yejin huffing impatiently. "Yeah Yejin is right we had to beg you to come out here with us" said Akane sighing. Yumi nodded. "Sorry guys so what were you saying Yumi?" I said looking at Yumi again. She smiled and spoke. "I was saying that a friend of mind is hosting a gala at her house and she said that I can invite my friends." Yumi said. Akane and Yejin leaned closer to Yumi and listened. "And she said that you guys can also invite your friends" Akane smiled brightly and grabbed my hand tightly. "Oh Inori you have to come it with us it will be amazing!" She said shaking with excitement.
"I don't do well at parties" I said pulling my hand away from Akane's excited grip. "Bull," Yejin said lacing her hands together. "You do plenty fine and you will go with us to the gala or we will come kidnap you and then take you.” She said and the others nodded. I laughed softly and put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay I give in." I said giving into their demands.
Our waiter came with our deserts and refilled our drinks. "I call for a toast" Yumi said raising her drink. We all followed her motion.  “What are we going to toast" asked Akane. "Um how about friendship?" Yejin supplied and we all nodded. "To friendship!" we said together hitting our drinks together in the process.
I took a sip of my drink and happen to see something going on in the corner of my eye. I turned and to my surprise saw Nanami Haruka standing with someone who made me grit my teeth? I stood abruptly and walked closer to where Nanami was standing. When I was about ten feet away I was certain of the person with Nanami. It was Eiichi Otoori the leader of the idol group Heavens.
I was close enough to hear their conversation. "Oh I heard about your replacement such a shame, it seems that Shinning doesn't have the confidence that you can write all of our songs, but since you're not having to focus on those amateurs anymore how about you come with me and we can focus on writing our song and leave Quartet Night to fend for themselves?" He laid a hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"No I am writing songs for both Quartet Night and Heavens" Nanami protested. Eiichi smiled evilly and gripped Nanami's shoulder tightly. She pulled against him and I stepped forward and spoke, my expression, a blanket of nothing. "Leave her alone" both of them turned to me and Nanami's face lit in recognition.
"Miss Saotome what are you doing here?" She asked but I didn't answer I focused on Eiichi. "Saotome eh? You must be the new replacement.” He said his gaze traveling up and down my form. "Leave Nanami alone" was all I said and he laughed and smiled maliciously. "What are you going to do about it?" I placed a hand on his which was on Nanami’s shoulder. I layed my hand down and with still keeping a straight face gripped his hand.
He made no sound but a muscle in his jaw clenched and pain flickered in his eyes. His hand slackened and I released it from my grasp. "I suggest you leave." I said letting my hand fall to my side. He leaned in so close that I could see the dust on his glasses and spoke his voice barley above a whisper.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Then it was my turn to speak. "Well you see my father is the man that controls the SSS Contest committee." I leaned in even closer to him and spoke my voice a deadly calm.
"If I ever catch you or hear about you messing with Miss. Nanami or anyone other idol or composer I will see to it personally that my father informs them that Heavens tried to convince their composer to cheat and write only for them. And I don't think the committee will like that to much and I think its safe to say that your team will be disqualified" I spun around and walked off a couple steps and then spun back around. My ponytail twirling with me.
"Oh and your glasses are dirty you should get them cleaned by the way." I walked over to my waiting friends and sat back down at our table. I heard footsteps retreating and Yumi spoke. “he’s gone” she said. I nodded and stood once again. My friends stood, “Let’s go I’m dying for some new music to listen to." I said. Yejin slapped some money on the table and we walked off.

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